Simply Wholehearted

Tending to Your Soul | part #1 with author and spiritual director Tina Webb

Amy Wicks/Tina Webb Season 16 Episode 195

To contribute to the Bening Family

In this three part series, Tina Webb and I are talking about parenting, social justice and understanding your story. She is a mom of SIX kids, so, Tina has some incredible wisdom and insight to pass along. 

Tina has been a homeschool mama for twenty years and she loves it! Besides that full-time job, she’s been an associate pastor, a worship ministry director, and director of a church prayer ministry. She is a certified Apprentice Facilitator in Classic Trauma Healing through the American Bible Society and she and her husband, Doug, were licensed and ordained for ministry in 2004.

As you listen this is episode go download Tina’s free e-book and her 3-day devotional.

Tina has written two other books you will also want to add to your collection:
Culture Changers: Understand the Roots of Brokenness and Help Heal Your Family and Community
Justice Reframed: How the Cross Confronts our Pursuit of Justice


Wholehearted Enneagram Coaching

Ennea-what? The Beginners Guide to the Enneagram
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Should Christians Use the Enneagram? (Amy's book)

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